Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Recap

Events of this past weekend included:

  • One 6-mile run with dad

  • One theater trip to see THE HUNGER GAMES with my book club friends*

  • One hot yoga class

  • One girls' night out with former co-workers

  • One Chipotle burrito for lunch

  • One bike ride with Hubby

  • One dinner at a favorite Mediterranean spot: Andie's in Andersonville

Nourishment to my soul.

Quality time with family and friends.

'Twas a great weekend, indeed.



*we were first in line for our show, and proud of it!

Review: Clarisonic Mia

I bought the Clarisonic Mia in January after months of reading reviews and lusting after the boasts of "superior cleansing". Shortly after I replaced my sheer tinted moisturizer with a SPF clay foundation, I realized that I needed to amp up my facial cleansing routine. After a few washes with the Clarisonic, my face felt significantly cleaner. Using it on my face twice a day was a little much. Currently, I use it in the evenings to deep cleanse and remove makeup.


  • An automatic 60-second timer ensures that skin will not be scrubbed raw

  • Any cleanser works, so it's not specific to the Clarisonic cleanser

  • Rechargeable, completely waterproof {I'm not afraid of electrocuting myself while I wash my face in the shower}


  • The Mia does not alert when it's time to move to a different face zone, so it's important to keep track of how long you spend on the different areas of your face

  • Financial investment of $119 still feels a little steep

Overall, I wouldn't deem it "life changing" but I am satisfied with my purchase.


Do any of you use the Clarisonic skin cleansing system? What do you think?




Friday, March 02, 2012

True or False


 Question (True or False): You know your friends are quality when they allow you to show up for Trivia Night at the favorite neighborhood spot in post-workout sweaty clothes. And they don't judge. Instead, they praise you for your workout efforts, and feed you pizza.

Answer: True.