Tuesday, November 09, 2010

30 for 30: take two!

(shirt, jeans - gap | shoes - ecco | bag - thrifted | earrings - lucky)

extra! extra! read all about it: face throws a tantrum ...

today my face decided to rebel against my carefully laid out plans. today i awoke with tired eyes and bright red blemishes. not cool, face. my bad attitude was soon to follow. in reaction to the tantrum of my face, my hair promptly reacted with the type of backlash that can only be cured with a ponytail.  promising the rest of my body protection from further attack, i decided comfort was my only ally. hence: the simple outfit of jeans, shirt, and my favorite shoes of the moment.



  1. Comfort can be a pretty bloody great ally on days like the one you described. Today my ally against grumpiness and unseasonably warm weather was the ubiquitous lace skirt that you see on the booty of a third of the fashion bloggers in any given room/corner of the internets. Glad you found such a cute a solution to your complicated day!

  2. You look fab despite the face rebellion. Cannot even tell in the photo.

  3. i agree w/sartoriography..sometimes comfort is the key to turning a crap day around! you look cute!


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