Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2013

8 weeks

levi 8 weeks levi and mama 8 weeks levi mama 8 weeks 2 levi momma 8 weeks 3 levi momma 8 weeks carseat

i start all of these updates the same {or similar} way: "it's hard to believe ..." BUT it is hard to believe how much our little dude has grown over these past weeks - he's officially outgrown all of the newborn sized clothing, and now in 3 month sizes though they're a little big in the legs. his cheeks kill me. levi now coos and says "goo" {so now i keep saying he will someday be the CEO of Google}. he's more alert, tracking objects and faces with his eyes. it melts my heart when hubby sits next to him and plays the guitar during tummy time, or makes up a song and sings to levi about "milkies".

he's also growing more interested in his bouncy chair / rocker where he hangs out with his "friends" aka the animals hanging overhead. now that the weather has been better, we've been getting out for more walks, and trying to get a schedule going for our day. it pretty much starts around 6am - 7am, and then he snoozes every 2 hours for 30-45 minutes until the afternoon when he naps for 1-3 hours.

these last two weeks have been a bit challenging as levi's periods of fussiness seem to have increased - and a few really difficult overnights with him waking every 1-2 hours to nurse and/or waking because of gas. we've tried gripe water, gas drops, and now trying some probiotics to see if it helps. we also have to burp him frequently. he's just a gassy guy. i've also cut dairy out of my diet completely to see if that helps at all. so far, i can't tell - but i'm going to give it a few more weeks and then see how he responds to it. these past few nights, he's done better - and last night he slept in his longest stretch so far: 7.5 hours. i almost cried.

even bleary-eyed in the middle of the night, i can't help but smile when i see this little guy who needs his mama. it's a feeling that is hard to describe, and i wouldn't trade it for anything.



PS: hubby dressed levi for the day ... cracks me up mostly because he's wearing little socks that look like high tops and a  onesie that says "mommy rocks" {and he knows how i feel about the cheesy onesies ...}.

PPS: it was extremely windy today, hence the hand on the head and the fly-aways. but levi's facial expression in the second photo is my favorite.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

6 weeks

levi 6 weeks


it's hard to believe that baby L is now 6 weeks old. these past weeks have been some of the most challenging and rewarding weeks of my life. you mamas know what i mean by that. i wouldn't trade these weeks for the world. and i wouldn't complain if L would sleep for 7 continuous hours overnight.

L is starting to sleep for longer stretches at nighttime (5.5 is the most so far ...). he's also starting to do a late morning / early afternoon nap that gives this mama a nice little break to shower, get dressed, and eat a meal with both hands. he's developed a case of baby acne, or some sort of a rash which makes his little face look so sad. i hope it goes away soon :( he started smiling more this week, which just cracks me up. it's adorable! he also has been doing more "giggles" in his sleep, which just make me so excited for the time that he's going to actually giggle while he's awake and entertained with something. he's still growing and eating like a champ. papa has still been doing a few bottles a week, and L chugs it down pretty well. he's a pretty gassy baby, so we're still figuring out how best to help him with that. poor little guy. now that the weather has been warmer, we have been trying to get out for a little walk every day. and although i have my go-ahead from my midwife to start working out again, i've given myself two more weeks to get L on more of a schedule.

in partially related news, i've officially reached my halfway point of my maternity leave. it's crazy to think that i've got to go back to work in 6 weeks when all i currently want to do is watch L every waking moment so i don't miss anything. this will be a difficult transition, i just know it. good thing i've got a few more weeks to figure out my feelings.



Wednesday, April 03, 2013

easter 2013

easter 2013 2easter 2013 1easter 2013 5easter 2013 4easter 2013 6


this year, we celebrated easter for the first time as a family of three {four with lennon}. we took L to church for the first time and he got to meet more of our friends and family. although it's super distracting taking a newborn to church, it's important to Hubby and I that we introduce L to church and teach him the importance of faith in our lives. hopefully this is something that L will incorporate into his life as well. i find myself overwhelmed with the responsibility to teach him about love and faith; also blessed that this is something that i get to share with him.

after church, we continued the celebration of easter with dinner, a family nap, and then opened easter baskets from both sets of grandparents. although L didn't get any easter candy {mama did, so i guess he got to taste some cadbury chocolate} - he did get some new toys, a few outfits, and a book about easter from Hubby's parents.

it was a special day made complete by L wearing his very first "outfit" put together by mama - a white button down, cardigan, and pants. this prompted our first easter family photo {see above}.

i will just make one more comment about how husbands suddenly become 10x more attractive when they're holding your baby?? dang.

easter 2013 3


Saturday, March 16, 2013

38 weeks ... and our little dude's arrival

levi blog

So, I totally expected to be one of those 41 weeks and still pregnant ladies. But our little dude had other plans! He decided to make an early appearance into the world at 38 weeks. Birthing was one of the most powerful experiences of my life, and I'm so grateful that I was supported by Hubby, my mother, our doula, and our midwife. I still get emotional thinking about how it was up to me to labor and push and finally deliver this little person into the world. Although my delivery didn't go quite as I planned, at the end of it all this tiny little perfect person was placed on my chest and the first words out of my mouth to Hubby were "he's just so beautiful".

He's two weeks old now, and I've already had a few meltdowns about how he's growing up so fast. I'm working to savor every moment I have with him, even if it's at 3am and I'm exhausted. Oh, and cluster feedings? They are no joke. Hubby has become quite the expert swaddler and diaper changer - also rocking it out at 3am. I'm impressed!

Here are a few photos from birthing day and the last two weeks that our Levi has been in the world.

38 weeks

levi mommy levi one week

two weeks



Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekend Update

This past weekend:

  • I ran the Race to Wrigley Fun Run 5k with dad {and ran my fastest time, yet!}

  • I cheered on the Rush Softball team

  • I wandered around some of my favorite downtown spots {the lions, horses, exhaust pipe sculpture, blossoming trees in grant park, and the tulips}, and had one of those "I love Chicago" days.

A lovely weekend indeed.



Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Recap

Events of this past weekend included:

  • One 6-mile run with dad

  • One theater trip to see THE HUNGER GAMES with my book club friends*

  • One hot yoga class

  • One girls' night out with former co-workers

  • One Chipotle burrito for lunch

  • One bike ride with Hubby

  • One dinner at a favorite Mediterranean spot: Andie's in Andersonville

Nourishment to my soul.

Quality time with family and friends.

'Twas a great weekend, indeed.



*we were first in line for our show, and proud of it!

Friday, June 03, 2011

Weekly Gratitude: 20th Edition

(this is the record shop in our new neighborhood)

Things I'm thankful for this week:

  • The moving process is officially over

  • Being only 2 blocks from Lake Michigan at the new place; it's awesome!

  • Taking long walks with Lennon on the lakefront path

  • Kombucha: the stuff is simply amazing!

  • Central air conditioning: because we didn't have it for a few years, I'm even more grateful for the cool air

  • The new Death Cab for Cutie album was released - love it!

  • That Hubby and I have been married for five years, and it just keeps getting better



Girl & the Goat

(love the tea towel napkins & stamped paper holder)

(hubby trying to decide what to order)

(chickpea fritters)

(goat empanadas)

(i love the goat!)

(bread with apple butter and homemade butter)

(ham frittes)

(grilled asparagus)

(pig face)

(bittersweet chocolate)

(to quote hubby, "cheers to five years")

Hubby and I love Top Chef. It's one of our favorite shows to watch and we become quite competitive over who the winners of the challenges will be. It's a great show. Especially if you're a foodie. It's also a great show if you're just a reality-tv addict. When Top Chef Chicago winner Stephanie Izard opened Girl & the Goat we decided it would be fun to have it be our "5th anniversary dinner".

Dinner at Girl & the Goat was perfect. The food was absolutely fantastic. I loved the atmosphere and literally all of the design elements. It is such a great space!

We researched what to order before (mostly via yelp and friends who've been). I love that the menu is primarily small plates, so you can get a variety of flavors and taste experiences. The menu had just the right balance of wanting to satisfy curiosity, and food that I was able to pronounce (yes!).

I would highly recommend this restaurant to anyone and everyone (although it's not a vegetarian friendly meal, there are some vegetarian and some fish dishes).



Friday, May 20, 2011

Weekly Gratitude: 19th Edition

{via We Heart It}

These are the things I'm thankful for this week:

  • My sunglasses from Target

  • Fun time with family: prepping our new room, cooking, and going to a baseball game

  • Getting my cousin's wedding invitation for a summer wedding - I'm so happy for her {and her soon-to-be hubby}

  • Purging in preparation for the move: getting rid of stuff that we don't need/use/want anymore feels INCREDIBLE.

In all honesty, this week has been pretty rough. Hubby and I are going through so many changes right now. It feels like if I have to adjust to even one more thing, I'm going to lose my marbles. Do you ever have times like that? It's awful.

We move into our new room starting this weekend. We're moving over a few of our furniture pieces, and then finishing the move the following weekend {which just so happens to be our 5th wedding anniversary} by cramming all of our stuff into a storage unit and cleaning out our current apartment. Packing always makes me 1) Realize how much stuff we really have that we don't actually need and 2) Reminisce about all of the stuff that we're moving {hey, remember when ... OR hey, I remember where I bought this ...}.

I will be even more thankful when these next few weeks have passed, and we are settled into our new living space.



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Inspired Tuesday: Coeur de Pirate

[vimeo w=400&h=270]

Coeur de pirate || Comme des enfants [vidéoclip officiel] from Dare To Care Records on Vimeo.

For this week's installment of Inspired Tuesday I bring you Coeur de Pirate. Confession: I don't speak French. There's just something about the language {this song especially} that makes me feel inspired.  Basically, this song makes me want to dance around the room and sway.  Do you feel it too? {I credit to my obsession with French and French music to the film "Amelie" and the Amelie Soundtrack.}

Be Inspired. Enjoy.



PS: Isn't the video adorable?!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Weekly Gratitude: 18th Edition

Things I'm thankful for this week:

  • The heat: I love the heat. I'm so thankful for the sun and the warmth that it brings to the City.

  • Spring smells: fresh-cut grass, blooming trees, it's so refreshing to have new scents around the City.

  • Happy hour(s) at Starbucks: half price frappuccino, anyone? Don't have to ask me twice.

  • Outdoor seating at restaurants.

  • The park: nothing is better than spending time on a Sunday afternoon relaxing at the park with my Kindle.

  • Fun events: this week I attended a Fleet Feet Girls' Night Out and got cupcakes, drinks, and a free sports bra fitting!

To learn more about Weekly Gratitude, click here.



Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Next Chapter

When Hubby decided it was time to go back to school {to get a Master's in Nursing Degree}, we talked about the sacrifices we would need to make. I took on a twice/month weekend job to help make ends meet with Hubby's inevitable switch to a part-time job.

Any married couple {or long-term relationship couple} knows that over the years of being together you learn to problem-solve together ... it's much easier this way. We discussed moving into a studio apartment, selling off a majority of our belongings, having roommates, moving out of the City ... exploring pretty much every option imaginable. After deciding that the City still fits our goals {PJ's job, Hubby's school}, the next thing to decide was where we were going to cut our living expenses.

My parents {who live just a few miles from our apartment} offered us a room in their home to save money on rent/expenses while Hubby was in school {insert sharp inhale}.  We talked about it: agreed, disagreed, analyzed, and ultimately came to a conclusion {after about 6 months} that it's an incredible opportunity to hit the reset button and prioritize our lives. So that's where we're headed at the end of May. We will be moving in with my parents to save money, pay off debt, and shed the extra stuff in our lifestyle to be better prepared for the future.

Follow along as the next chapter unfolds ... as we reflect on our experience of living with our family: the good, the bad, and the yet-to-be-determined.



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Inspired Tuesday: Bloomin'

This week's Inspired Tuesday post relates to the beauty that is blooming around Chicago right now. {I think this is a Pink Satin Crabapple tree ... }

All of a sudden it's as if the trees, plants, and flowers have sprung to life again. It's so lovely.

I'm inspired to enjoy this season: to spend every minute that I can outdoors soaking up the sunshine rays, breathing in the fresh air, and enjoying long walks along Lake Michigan.

Are things blooming to life where you live?



Monday, May 09, 2011

Foodie Monday: Five Guys Burgers and Fries


A few weeks ago Hubby and I went to Five Guys Burgers and Fries for the first time. There are several locations now throughout the city, and we've heard good things. I had the "little cheeseburger" which was just enough for me & Hubby had the "regular cheeseburger" {which was too much for him}. It was really delicious {hello, toppings}! The drink station was my favorite part: you can mix and match flavors with pop/carbonated water {I love grenadine}.

All in all: good burger, good fries, and good drinks.I think we'll be back.



Friday, May 06, 2011

Weekly Gratitude: 16th + 17th Editions

This week (and last week) I'm thankful for:
  • Hubby only having two weeks left of classes (yay!)
  • Moving plans coming together
  • Plans to celebrate my Momma with a girls' night out for Mother's Day weekend
  • Paid vacation/personal time; I'm thankful that I can take a day (or two, three, four) off when I need it
  • New sunglasses from Target
  • Laughing with my Hubby about silly things: Lennon's farts, and when I'm wrong about something and even though I know I'm wrong, I'm adamant about it
  • Good music from my favorite KEXP (if only I lived in Seattle!)
Happy Weekend!


Weekly Gratitude: 16th + 17th Editions

This week (and last week) I'm thankful for:

  • Hubby only having two weeks left of classes (yay!)

  • Moving plans coming together

  • Plans to celebrate my Momma with a girls' night out for Mother's Day weekend

  • Paid vacation/personal time; I'm thankful that I can take a day (or two, three, four) off when I need it

  • New sunglasses from Target

  • Laughing with my Hubby about silly things: Lennon's farts, and when I'm wrong about something and even though I know I'm wrong, I'm adamant about it

  • Good music from my favorite KEXP (if only I lived in Seattle!)

Happy Weekend!


Monday, May 02, 2011

Re: Launch

I first started "blogging" in college when everyone was obsessed with Xanga. Do you remember Xanga? I was obsessed: constantly updating posts, featuring photos, quotes, song lyrics, etc. Fast forward a few years to when I have completely forgotten about Xanga, but suddenly blogs are everywhere: blogs dedicated to shoes, bags, clothes, home design, kitchens, homes, bathrooms, children, and pets. Woah. Blog overload. Enter Pilar, looking for a way to re-join the blogging community. I love shopping, fashion, and clothes. I should blog about these things, right? Wrong. It's not really "me". So I've taken stock of the things that I do blog about: my life in this city, my husband, our dog, recipes, food, photographs, an occasional outfit that I adore, etc.

I'm starting over, folks: relaunching, if you will. I'm launching myself (and Hubby, too) forward into a different direction, a blog that better represents myself and my life. 

More updates coming soon.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sweet Ride

The past few weekends I've noticed a tiny truck parked on our street corner boasting sweet treats. Come to find out Sweet Ride is a mobile bakery offering Whoopie Pies, Cupcakes, and Cake Pops. Since Whoopie Pies are the new trendy sweet treat, I thought I'd give them a whirl. I purchased a Black & White and Red Velvet Whoopie, and a Vanilla Cake Pop. Hubby chose the Red Velvet Whoopie {shaped in a heart} and I the Black & White Whoopie {in the shape of a cat}. We both agreed they were delicious and fluffy. 

Whoopie Pie v. Cupcake: Given the choice between a Whoopie Pie and Cupcake, I'd still go Cupcake. I'm a loyal fan. Whether they're trendy or not, they'll always be close to my heart.


Sweet Ride

The past few weekends I've noticed a tiny truck parked on our street corner boasting sweet treats. Come to find out Sweet Ride is a mobile bakery offering Whoopie Pies, Cupcakes, and Cake Pops. Since Whoopie Pies are the new trendy sweet treat, I thought I'd give them a whirl.

I purchased a Black & White and Red Velvet Whoopie, and a Vanilla Cake Pop. Hubby chose the Red Velvet Whoopie {shaped in a heart} and I the Black & White Whoopie {in the shape of a cat}. We both agreed they were delicious and fluffy.

Let me speak to the Whoopie Pie v. Cupcake controversy: Given the choice between a Whoopie Pie and Cupcake, I'd still go Cupcake. I'm a loyal fan. Whether they're trendy or not, they'll always be close to my heart.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Inspired Tuesday: Bell X1

For this installation of Inspired Tuesday I bring to you one of my current music crushes: Bell X1. I know they're not a "new" band on the music circuit, but this song simply rocks my socks. I love the lyrics and their overall vibe. 

