So, I totally expected to be one of those 41 weeks and still pregnant ladies. But our little dude had other plans! He decided to make an early appearance into the world at 38 weeks. Birthing was one of the most powerful experiences of my life, and I'm so grateful that I was supported by Hubby, my mother, our doula, and our midwife. I still get emotional thinking about how it was up to me to labor and push and finally deliver this little person into the world. Although my delivery didn't go quite as I planned, at the end of it all this tiny little perfect person was placed on my chest and the first words out of my mouth to Hubby were "he's just so beautiful".
He's two weeks old now, and I've already had a few meltdowns about how he's growing up so fast. I'm working to savor every moment I have with him, even if it's at 3am and I'm exhausted. Oh, and cluster feedings? They are no joke. Hubby has become quite the expert swaddler and diaper changer - also rocking it out at 3am. I'm impressed!
Here are a few photos from birthing day and the last two weeks that our Levi has been in the world.