These last few weeks L seems to be changing every day. Whether it's a new noise, movement, or simply the fact that he looks exponentially bigger to us. It's just amazing! On the day that L turned 3 months, I officially returned to work. Although my schedule was a bit sporadic for the first two weeks because of coordinating child care, so it was really like I returned to work part-time. It was nice to ease into it a bit.
L is really starting to show more of his personality - he loves being entertained by mama and papa. We make silly faces, noises, and perform anything we can think of that might make him smile, giggle, or coo. It's hilarious. Yes, we are THOSE people.
L rolled over from front to back a few times at 13 weeks. It's hilarious how exciting this little milestone is! I caught part of one of the roll overs on vine. He just rolled over and then smiled. It was the cutest little thing. He's still been sleeping pretty well through the night. We had a few rough nights around 12 weeks when he started waking up 2-3 times / night again. But it didn't last long, and we're back to our little routine of nighttime sleep from 8pm - 5/6am. Sometimes he wakes around 3/4 am for a feed, but then goes back to sleep until 6:30a. I don't mind this, since it's keeping my breastmilk supply up, and then it stretches the morning sleep a little longer. He's still nursing like a champ and doing well with the bottle during the days when I'm at work. I really treasure the times when I'm nursing him, especially now since I'm back to work.
It's crazy how quickly they grow up isn't it. Hope you guys are doing well!