This post is a bit late, since L is now 11 weeks old, but since that post isn't ready yet -- here you go.
This little guy is such a joy. And he seems to be changing each day. Every morning, Hubby and I comment that his face looks bigger. Ha! He's making more sounds, and has been really enjoying playing on the floor with his "friends" -- this time they are the animals that hang above him. He's also crying louder and more dramatically {as in, kicking his legs when he's really worked up}.
He's smiling more and more each day. My heart just melts every time. I can't help it.
He's been on a "nap strike" for the past two weeks. Instead of taking a nice long afternoon nap like he did before, he's been sleeping in 30-45 minute increments throughout the day. And I can tell that he's so sleepy, he just keeps fighting it. Poor guy. In other sleep news, he has been sleeping consistently from about 8pm - 5:30am. He wakes crying, Hubby changes him, and then he smiles until he's nursing again. It's the sweetest thing. It pretty much started on the day that he turned 8 weeks and has continued since then, his shortest stretch since then has been 7.5 hours, which is still fine by me. It allows me some down time in the evenings after he's asleep, and a solid 5 hours of sleep / night.
We're still working on the schedule, especially since he's not been napping. I'm just being patient with myself and with him to figure out what works best for us.
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